The Dream of a Horse

Documentary | Short

Shahnaz, the oldest daughter of a nomad family, loves writing and her stories are inspired by her lifestyle. Her father wants to marry her off to better the family’s condition, but Shahnaz wants to pursue bigger dreams.

Duration: 25 Minute
Release Date: 2022
Country of Production: Iran
Director: Marjan Khosravi
Producer: Sajedeh Saraei, Milad Khosravi
Executive Producer: Mahmoud Nour Mohammadi
Editing: Loghman Sokhanvar
Cinematography: Mahdi Azadi
Sound Design: Arash Ghasemi
Screenplay: Marjan Khosravi
Color correction: Hamid Fatoureh Chian

ساجده سرائی Sajedeh Saraei Highlight Screen هایلایت اسکرین

Director’s Note

Marjan Khosravi

The world’s peace definitely depends on women and if the women are not at peace, they cannot bring up healthy children. Therefore, to save the world, we have to take care of the pregnant women more.

Shahnaz is a good example of my life, she is living in a way that I leaved 10 years ago.  Shahnaz is a sample of all of Iranian women like me and my mother that fight for her fate and future! Shahnaz’s life is much more depressing and there is lots of pain in her real life, I tried to show it more soft and more understandable with cinema for the international audiences.
